Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


vi., Bent or curved, as a bird beak; humped; to bend or bow the head; to stagger forward, to weave along as a drunk.

  • Examples:
    • Ihu kikiwi, hooked nose; curved beak.
  • References:

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v. See KIWI, to bend. To bend or bow the head; to nod from drowsiness.

2. To bend over; to bow down.

3. To be very faint and weary from hard fatigne.

adj. Bent and rounded at the point like a duck's bill.

Kikiwi (kĭ'-kī'-wĭ), adj.

/ kĭ'-kī'-wĭ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Bent and rounded at the point like a duck's bill; crescent-like.

Kikiwi (kĭ'-kī'-wĭ), v.

/ kĭ'-kī'-wĭ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Ki and kiwi, to bend.]

1. To bend or bow the head.

2. To nod from drowsiness.

3. To bend over; to bow down.

4. To proceed with an unsteady gait.

To weave along while walking, as if intoxicated.

E huli iā “kikiwi” ma Ulukau.

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