Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vi., Sneeze.

2. n., A small native fern (Xiphopteris saffordii), narrow, 4 to 14 cm high, the fronds somewhat notched.

3. A variety of sweet potato.

4. n., A red seaweed (Chylocladia 🌐 sp.) with narrow cylindrical, branching stems.

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v. See KIHA.To sneeze.2 Nal. 4:35. To snore; to breathe hard.

2. To have the nose filled with mucus.

3. To dive down, as the bow of vessel in a heavy sea.

4. To dive, as one dives under the surf; to roll or dive,as a porpoise.

v. See KIHAE, to wilt. To fade; to wilt, as a plant.

2. To be weak; to faint, as a person.

3. To become a demi-god.

Kihe (kī'-he), v.

/ kī'-he / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To sneeze. Syn: Kiha.

Kihe (kĭ'-he), v.

/ kĭ'-he / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To dive down, as the bow of a vessel in a heavy sea.

2. To dive, as one dives under the surf.

3. To roll or dive, as a porpoise.

Kihe (kī'-hē'), v.

/ kī'-hē' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Contraction of kihae, to tear off.]

1. To strip; tear lengthwise.

2. To become a demi-god.

Kihe (ki-he'):

/ ki-he' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

sneeze. Mountain, Hamakua, Hawaii.

means to sneeze; nonō to snore (often confused by foreigners with noʻonoʻo, to meditate or consider).

means to sneeze; nonō to snore (often confused by foreigners with noʻonoʻo, to meditate or consider).

Red seaweed (Chylocladia spp.) with narrow, cylindrical, branching stems. Also called akuila. Unknown to AW.

Sweet potato variety that matures in three months. Ancient. (HP 133.)

to sneeze.

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