Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vs., Quenched; satisfied, of thirst.

  • Examples:
    • Inu ā kena, drink until satisfied.
  • References:

2. vs., Weary, as from heavy toil; grieved and distressed.

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1. v., To command; to order to be done; to give orders; to compel. Neh. 5:12; Laieik. 176.

2. v., To send to, as an officer on business; kena aku la o Kamehameha i kona poe kanaka e imi i ka laau ala, Kamehameha sent his men to look for sandal-wood.

3. v., To give orders in case of emergency.

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v., To drink; to slake thirst. Hookena. To give or furnish drink. Hal. 107:9.

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v., To be weary; to suffer under hard labor: to grieve.

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adj., pron., for kela, n for l. He; she; that person; aohe kekehi la kula e like me kena olelo, there was not a single day's school as he said.

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1. s., Hard labor; wearisome service.

2. s., Depression of mind under unmitigated toil.

3. s., The feelings of a parent towards a child that refuses his instructions; weariness, anger and love all combined.

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adj., Weary; heavy; sad; sorrowful.

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1. adj., Weary; heavy; sad; sorrowful.

2. adj., Filled to satiety.

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1. n., Weariness; depression; dejection; depression of mind under unmitigated toil.

2. n., The feelings of a tired parent towards a child that refuses to obey; weariness, anger and love all combined.

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pron., [Variant of kela.] He; she; that person: Aohe kekahi la kula e like me kena olelo; There was not a single day's school, as he said.

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1. v., To command; to order to be done; to give orders; to compel. (Laieik. p. 176.)

2. v., To send to, as an officer on business: kena aku la o Kamehameha i kona poe kanaka e imi i ka laau ala; Kamehameha sent his men to look for sandalwood.

3. v., To give orders in case of emergency.

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1. v., To be weary; to suffer under hard labor.

2. v., To be grieved.

3. v., To be satisfied.

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To be weary; to suffer under hard labor; to grieve.

Enough to drink; no longer thirsty.

I. ua noko no ka poe Keni ma ke komohana o ke Kaimake, a ua laka aku lakou iloko o Arabia Peterea. No Keni o Iatero, ka makua konowaikane o Mose, a kele pu no kana okana me ka Iseraela, a noko no me na Keni e ae, ma kela wahi keia wahi o ka aina hoano, Lun. 1:16; 4:11; 1 Sam. 30:29; 1 Oihlii. 2:55. Na lakou mai o Hebera a me ka poe Rekaba. Ua ike paka ka poe Keni ia Iekova a malama aku ia ia, a oluolu mai ka okana a pau i ka poe Hebera. Hoopakele mai o Saula ia lakou i kona luku ana i ka Amaleka, Num. 24:20, 21; 1 Sam. 15:6.

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