Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. definite article, same as ka, often translated “the.”

  • References:
    • See Gram. 10.2.
    • For use of ke as an alternant of ka, see ka #1.
    • PNP te .

2. Contraction of ka mea e, the one who will, should, or is; the thing that (or which) is, will, should.

  • Examples:
    • ʻO wau ke hele aʻe i ka hale, let me go nearby to the house.
    • ʻO ka makuahine wale nō ke noho ana, the mother was the only one staying.
  • References:
    • Gram. 10.2.

3. conjunction, If, when (in the future; Gram. 11.1).

  • Examples:
    • I kō mākou wā kamaliʻi, ke hoʻolele aku i nā lupe, huhū maila nā kūpuna, in our childhood, when we flew kites the grandparents scolded.
    • Ke hele ʻoe, hele au, if you go, I'll go.

4. A particle connecting certain forms, as hiki and pono, with following verbs.

  • Examples:
    • Hiki iaʻu ke hele, I can go.
    • Pono ke hele, right to go.
  • References:
    • Gram. 5.4.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

nvt., Protest, complaint, criticism; critic, especially a hula critic; formerly a hula master who was invited by another hula master to criticize his class; to criticize; to push, shove, struggle against, oppose, shun, avoid, abstain from, refuse.

  • Examples:
    • Nui ke kē o ka poʻe i kēlā puke, there was much protest by the people about that book.

2. vi., To clang, as a bell or gong; to dingdong, strike, as a clock.

3. vi., To flatten out, adjust to a surrounding level, as in removing a heap of earth.

  • Rare

4. n., Player of the pūhenehene game.

  • Examples:
    • Hoʻomau maila nā kē o kēlā ʻaoʻao e koho i kahi i waiho ai ka noʻa, the players of that side continued to guess where the noʻa was placed.

5. Same as , the interjection.

  • References:
    • 1 Kor. 15.36.

6. n., The letter “k.”

  • Source:
    • English.

Nā LepiliTags: onomatopoeia rare grammar

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


pākuʻina kauhopesuffix Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

Rare. suffix. Here and there.

Nā LepiliTags: grammar

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

def. art. The. See KA, art. This form of the article (ke) is used before all nouns beginning with the letter k. A few nouns beginning with the letter p have ke also for their article, and a still smaller number beginning with the letter m. Nouns whose first letter is a have both ka and ke for their article; that is, some nouns take one and some the other, but no one noun, without a radical change of meaning, takes both forms of the article. Nouns beginning with o, like a, take both forms of the article. Before all other letters, whether vowels or consonants, ka is the form of the article. See Grammar§ 59, 60.

particle, before a verb and nei after it, marks the present tense of the indicative mood; but ke with the subjunctive mood marks the future tense. After the verbs hiki, always, and pono generally (both used as auxiliary verbs), ke is used before the infinitive instead of e. Gram. #X00A7;203.

interj. An exclamation of surprise, indeed! 1 Kor. 15:36. See KA. Ke is often used in beginning a reply to what one has said, and expresses astonishment at what had been advanced; sometimes disgust and the greatest contempt; e manao ino me ka henehene.

v. Mostly with hoo. To force; to compel; to urge on. Lunk. 1:34.

2. To be intent upon; to press forward; to go ahead in any affair; hooke loa mai la o Keoua me ka manao e lawe i ko Kamehameha mau okana nona, Keoua was intent upon the idea of taking Kamehameha's districts for his own.

3. To thrust; to push or drive at. Hai. 118:13.

4. To obstruct one as he goes along; to get a person or persons into difficulty; to struggle against; to be troubled. 2 Kor. 4:8.

5. To crowd together at a door or about a person; to assault one's house; to press upon.

6. With ai, food, to push away, as food without eating; to abstain from food; hence,

7. To fast. 2 Sam. 12:16. NOTE.—Voluntary fasting among Hawaiians requires the exercise of some force.

art. The. A form of the definite article ka. Ke is used before all nouns beginning with the letter k. A few nouns beginning with the letter p have ke also for their article, and a still smaller number beginning with the letter m. Nouns whose first letter is a have both ka and ke for their article; that is, some nouns take one and some the other, but no one noun, without a radical change of meaning, takes both forms of the article. Nouns beginning with o, like a, take both forms of the article. Before all other letters, whether vowels or consonants, ka is the form of the article.

KE 278 KEA

If, introducing a condition or supposition, as: Ke hele au; if I go. E ike oe ke hele mai oe; you will see if you come.

Ke (kē), interj.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

An interjection implying contempt, disgust, negation, aversion, dislike, etc.

Ke (kē), particle.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Ke used before a verb and nei after it, mark the present tense of the indicative mood. Ke with the subjunctive mood marks the future tense. After the verbs hiki, always, and pono, generally (both used as auxiliary verbs), ke is used before the infinitive instead of e.

1. To flatten; to adjust to a surrounding level, as in removing a hummock or heap of earth.

To oppose, struggle against, shove, criticize.

the definite article.

sign of tense.

1. The definitive article - often joined to a word. 2. If; when.

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