Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


v. To conceive; to become pregnant.

2. To swell out, as one with child.

3. Hoo. To conceive; to be full of. Hal. 7:14. To be full morally of evil.

4. To put down in letters; to reduce to writing; na ko oukou kaikaina hanane mahoe i hookauhua ia (i keia manao) i ka malama o Augate : hookauhua paha auanei kakou iloko o ka hewa.

s. The swelling out of pregnant females.

2. The longing of pregnant women, especially the sickness of stomach.

3. The state of pregnancy; ua kauhua, ua ko, ua hapai.

4. The act of writing down words or thoughts.

Kauhua (kă'u-hū'a), n.

/ kă'u-hū'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Enlargement of the body due to pregnancy.

2. The state of pregnancy.

3. Tendency toward nausea which frequently accompanies the condition of pregnancy.

4. The act of writing words or thoughts.

Kauhua (kă'u-hū'a), v.

/ kă'u-hū'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To form in the mind; to originate.

2. To conceive; to become pregnant.

3. To swell out, as one with child. See hookauhua.

4. To put down in letters; to reduce to writing.

State of pregnancy; ua kauhua, ua kō, ua hāpai.

State of pregnancy; to conceive; to be full of child. (Hal. 7:14.)

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