Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

n., Outcast, pariah, slave, untouchable, menial; a caste which lived apart and was drawn on for human sacrifices (these traditional meanings carried great opprobrium). Later it was used in the Bible and in formal correspondence to translate servant.

  • Examples:
    • Kauā ʻai noa, kauā who eats without observation of eating taboos.
    • Kauā kuapaʻa, hard-backed outcast.
    • Kauā make loa ʻoe! You are an outcast to be killed! I'll kill you.
    • Kauā a ke Akua, servant of God.
    • ʻO wau kāu kauā, I am, your servant [signature to a letter].
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: religion chiefs

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1. vt., To detain, gently request to remain.

  • Examples:
    • Ua kāua mai ʻoia iaʻu e noho iho ā liʻuliʻu me ia, he politely asked me to stay a short time with him.

2. pronoun, We, us (dual, inclusive).

  • Examples:
    • Mai kāua! Come to me.
    • Honi kāua, kiss me.
    • Iā kāua, us.
    • Aloha kāua! Warm greetings [one person to another, as at the beginning of a letter]! PPN kitaua, PNP kitaaua, PEP taaua.
  • References:
    • Gram. 8.2.

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nvt., War, battle; army, war party; to make war, fight.

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1. v., To war; to fight, as two armies.

2. To make war upon or against. Kin. 14:2.

3. To fight for. Puk. 14:14.

4. Hookaua. To cause to fight.

5. To serve as the conquered serve the conqueror; hence, with a stronger pronunciation,Kauwa, a servant.

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kikinonoun / KAU-A / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., A war; a battle; an army drawn up for battle.2 Nal. 28:5. Poe kaua, a host; an army. Puk. 14:24.

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1. v., To hesitate about doing a thing after an engagement; to be in doubt about fulfilling a promise; to beg off; hoohala.

2. To invite to stay. See kaohi. Aole o maua mea nana e kaua mai, a liuliu ko maua noho kuewa ana, there is no reason why we two should stay and lengthen out the time of our sojourning.

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papanipronoun / KA-UA / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

pronoun, dual, We two; you and I. Gram.§ 124,3.

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kikinonoun / kă'u-a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

n., A war; a battle; an army drawn up for battle: Poe kaua, a host, an army.

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/ kā'-ū'-a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. v., To invite to stay: Aole o maua mea nana e kaua mai, a liuliu ko maua noho kuewa ana, there is no reason why we two should stay and lengthen out the time of our sojourning. See kaohi.

2. v., To detain; to urge to stay.

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1. v., To war; to fight, as two armies.

2. v., To make war upon or against.

3. v., To fight for; to battle.

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papanipronoun / kā'-ŭ'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

pronoun, We two; you and I.

Nā LepiliTags: grammar

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iʻoaproper noun WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Ancient surfing area, Waimea, southwest Kauaʻi.

  • Literally, war.
  • References:
    • Finney and and Houston 30.

Nā LepiliTags: Kauaʻi

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War; army drawn up for battle. (2 Nal. 28:5.)

I. he hope ino ia o ka haule ana o Adamu, a he mea hoi ia e akaka ai ka hewa io o kanaka, Kin. 6:11-13; Is. 9:5; Iak. 4:1, 2. E nana AMALEKA a me KANAANA. He mea hahau keia a ke Akua i hahau mai ai i kona poe kanaka kipi, a me ko na aina e i hana ino a hoomanakii, mahope o ka pio ana o Kanaana. Ma kekahi mau kaua, aia no o ke Akua oiaio ma kekahi aoao, a o na akua hoopunipuni ma kekahi aoao, a paio aku paio mai; pela no na Pilisetia, 1 Sam. 17: 43-47; pela hoi ko Suria, 1 Nalii 20:23-30; ko Asuria, 2 Nalii 19:10-19, 35; ko Amona, 2 Oihlii. 20:1-30. Nolaila, hoala mai ke Akua i ke alihikaua akamai no kona poe kanaka, a ao mai hoi ia lakou ma ka waha o na kaula, a kokua mai ia lakou i ka hoouka kaua ana, a lanakila.

war, battle.

we, inclusive dual: to detain; invite to stay.

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