Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vi. To whack, bang, smack, as of a blow; to receive such a resounding blow. Kanono akula kou lae, your forehead is smacked with a blow. Kanono kona hoʻopaʻi, he was lambasted a severe penalty; his punishment was a blow.

2. n. Red chicken.

v. To ring, as a bell; to sound; to make a noise by striking against a sonorous body, as a clock hammer.

2. To snore. See NONO.

s. A ringing sound; a snoring. See NONO.

2. A red fowl; he moa ula hiua.

Kanono (kă'-nŏ'-no), n.

/ kă'-nŏ'-no / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A snapping sound like the crack of a pistol; a reverberating, roaring noise.

Kanono (kă'-nŏ'-no), v.

/ kă'-nŏ'-no / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To ring, as a bell; to sound; to make a noise by striking aganst a sonorous body, as a clock hammer.

Red fowl; chicken.

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