Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ kā.lā / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

nvs., Dollar, silver, money, price, currency, means, funds; moneyed.

  • Source:
    • English
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: economics

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1. nvt., To loosen, untie, free, release, remove, unburden, absolve, let go, acquit, take off, undo; to proclaim, announce; to forgive, pardon, excuse; to substitute for (Kin. 22.13); counter-sorcery or sorcerer, proclamation, public crier, announcer; prayer to free one from any evil influence; to practice counter-sorcery.

  • Examples:
    • E kala mai iaʻu, excuse me.
  • References:

2. n., Screwdriver.

3. n., Surgeonfish, unicorn fish, Teuthidae; Naso hexacanthus 🌐, N. unicornis, N. brevirostris.

  • Examples:
    • He kala iʻa i ʻoi ka hiʻu (saying), kala fish with sharp tail [Figuratively, one who can defend himself].
  • References:

4. vs., Rough, as sharkskin.

  • References:
    • PPN tala.

5. vs., Same as kākala #1, kākala #2, kākala #3, kākala #4.

6. vs., Long ago, usually followed by loa, wale, kahiko; when preceded by ʻaʻole, ʻaʻoe, or ʻeʻoe, it means “quite a while ago,” or, “for quite a long time.”

  • Examples:
    • E kala loa ka holo ʻana o ka moku, the ship sailed long ago.
    • ʻAʻole i kala ka noho ʻana o nā haole maʻaneʻi, the white people lived here quite a time ago.

7. Same as hākala, gable.

  • References:
    • PPN tala.

8. Same as pua kala, prickly poppy.

  • References:
    • For a pun on kala #8 and kala #9, see Neal 367.

9. See limu kala, seaweeds.

  • References:
    • For a pun on kala #8 and kala #9, see Neal 367.

10. n., A sweet potato.

11. Same as ʻākala, a raspberry.

12. Same as pākalakala, a tern.

  • References:
    • PPN tala.

13. n., Collar.

  • Source:
    • English

14. n., Color.

  • Source:
    • English

Nā LepiliTags: flora law religion fauna fish limu ʻuala birds color image

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kikino, Crayon.

  • Source:
    • English.
  • Examples:
    • Kala meaʻai. Food coloring.
    • Laulā kala. Tint, as of a television screen.

Nā LepiliTags: color

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kikinonoun Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

kikino, Collar.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word

Nā LepiliTags: image

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ʻaʻano, Into the net, in volleyball.

  • Source:
    • Niʻihau (from the name of the fish).

Nā LepiliTags: sports volleyball

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kikino, Cash, currency, dollar, money.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word
  • Examples:
    • Kālā heleleʻi. Loose change. Niʻihau Cf. kenikeni.
    • Kālā keʻokeʻo. Silver dollar. Existing dictionary word
    • Kālā kini. Petty cash. Niʻihau Cf. kini kālā.
    • Kālā kūʻike. Cash.
    • Kālā mālama. Savings, as money saved on a sale item.
    • Kaha kālā. Dollar sign.
    • ʻOihana Kālā o ka Mokuʻāina ʻo Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi State Department of Finance.
  • References:
    • See kumupaʻa, mīkini ʻohi kālā, manu kālā.

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1. v., To loosen; to untie, as a string or rope; to let loose, as an animal. Mar. 11:2.

2. v., To unloose; to put off, as clothes from a person; to undress; to put off, as armor. 1 Sam. 17:39.

3. v., To open half way, as a door or book.

4. v., To absolve from a contract.

5. v., To put away; to take away, i. e., to forgive sin or a crime; to pardon. Puk. 34:7.

6. v., To forgive, as a debt; to release one from payment. Mat. 18:27.

7. v., To spare; to save from punishment. 2 Sam. 21:7.

8. Hookala. v., To whet; to grind or sharpen on a grindstone or hone. Kanl. 32:41.

9. v., To run out the tongue, as a serpent; to sharpen the tongue, i. e., to speak against or injure one. Ios. 10:21.

10. v., To sharpen, as a sword. Hal. 7:12.

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1. v., To proclaim, as a public person the will of his sovereign; to cry, as a public crier.

2. v., To proclaim; to send for; to invite. Oihk. 23:2.

3. v., To publish; to make known. 2 Sam. 1:20.

4. Hookala. v., To cause to be proclaimed. Puk. 36:6.

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1. s., A person whose business it was to summon people and chiefs together in time of war, in a great assembly, with lights and torches, &c.; a public crier.

2. s., A substitute; one in the place of another. Kin. 22:13.

3. s., The ends of a house, in distinction from the sides.

4. s., The name of a species of fish; also species of bird.

5. s., Kala (English) the Hawaiian pronunciation of dollar; hence, silver; silver coin generally.

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adv. Spoken of time; used only in the negative aole; as, aole e kala, long ago; long since; not very lately; not just now; a good while ago; aole e kala ka noho ana o na haole maanei, it is a good while that foreigners have lived here, i.e., their coming here is not lately.

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1. v., To proclaim, as a public person the will of his sovereign; to cry, as a public crier.

2. v., To proclaim; to send for; to invite.

3. v., To publish; to make known by proclamation.

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1. v., To loosen; to untie, as a string or rope; to let loose, as an animal.

2. v., To unloose; to put off, as clothes; to undress; to put off, as armor.

3. v., To open half way, as a door or book.

4. v., To absolve from a contract.

5. v., To put away; to take away, that is, to forgive sin or a crime; to pardon.

6. v., To forgive, as a debt; to release one from payment.

7. v., To pardon a fault; to free from imputation of blame.

8. v., To ask forgiveness; to acknowledge a wrong with expression of regret.

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/ kā'-lā' or dālā / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

n., The Hawaiian pronunciation of dollar; hence silver coin; silver in general.

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Spoken of time, as: aole e kala, long ago; long since; not very lately; not just now; a good while ago; aole e kala ka noho ana o na haole maanei, it is a good while that foreigners have lived here, that is, their coming here is not lately.

Aole e kala, E kala kahiko
E kalawale i makeai
E kala kahiko.

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adj., Silver: puna kala, silver spoon.

Nā LepiliTags: color

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1. n., A public crier; A person whose business it was to summon people and chiefs together in time of war.

2. n., A substitute.

3. n., The ends of a house in distinction from the sides.

4. n., A species of surgeon fish (Acanthurus unicornis). Color, olive, pale below; top of head and horn dark olivaceous, caudal spines pale blue; dorsal fin pale blue crossed by narrow pale yellow lines.

5. n., A migratory bird (Sterna panayensis) about as large as the common pigeon; plumage dark gray, white underneath.

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Place, Kāhala, Honolulu, Oʻahu. Literally, surgeonfish.

  • References:
    • TM.

Nā LepiliTags: Oʻahu

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Sweet potato plant with pointed leaves. An ancient variety. (HP 133.)

Ancient Hawaiian variety of sweet potato. It has pink and green leaves, a light yellow tuber with a pink spot, and deeply indented leaves. (HP 141.)

Public crier who assembled people in time of war, using lamps or torches.

Public crier; one who summons people and chiefs to a special meeting or emergency.

Unicornfish (Naso unicornis), a member of the surgeonfish family (Acenthuridae). So called because in its adult stage it grows a horn on the snout. An inshore fish, it attains 18 inches in length. Young are called pākala. The tough scaleless skin is used for the tympanum on the puniu drum.

Dollar, money, silver.

The gray-backed tern (Sterna lunata). See pakalakala.

I. he kulanakauhale o Asuria, i kukuluia e Asura, a e Nimeroda paha, Kin. 10:11, 12. Ua kaawale aku ia mai Nineva aku, a o Resena niawaena o laua. Ua manaoia, aia kokoke ia i ka muliwai o Luko, oia ka Zaba nui i kahe iloko o Tegerisa.

II. He moni ia iwaena o na lahuikanaka a pau. Ua olelo mua ia ma ka Baibala ma ka moolelo o Aberahama, Kin. 13:2; 20:16; 23:16. Oia kekahi mea i komo iloko o ka halelewa, Puk. 26:19, 32, a mahope iloko o ka luakini, 1 Oihlii. 29:4. I ka wa kahiko, i ka hoolimalima ana, ua kaupaonaia, aole i hanaia i moni maoli; aka, i ka wa o ke Kauoha Hou, he moni maoli. E nana SEKELA a me MONI.

money; silver; dollar.

government proclamation; end of house; surgeon fish: to proclaim; to absolve, pardon.

Word borrowed from the English word “dollar”; money; sum (PE). Also, kālā.

Dollar, money, cash, consideration.

1. To absolve from a contract; to pardon; to forgive, as a debt; to release one from payment (AP). 2. To publish; to make known by proclamation. Also, kākālana (AP).

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