Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvs. Old, ancient, antique, primitive, long ago, beforehand; to age; old person. (Usually in the sigular ; cf. kāhiko 2, puka kahiko.) Wā kahiko, old times. Wahi a kahiko (Kel. 50), said the old people. Kahiko ʻē, prematurely old. E kala kahiko, gone a long time. E paupauaho a manakā kahiko ʻoe iaʻu (Kel. 60), you would be disheartened, weary, and old before me. hoʻo.kahiko To think, act, speak in the old way; to speak of old times; to cling to old ways; old-fashioned; maturity. He wahine hoʻokahiko, an old-fashioned woman. (PPN tafito, base; PCP tafito, ancient.)

2. (Cap.) n. Name of the first Hawaiian. (Malo 4.)

Puka kahiko. Anus, i.e. the posterior opening of the alimentary canal. Also puka ʻamo.

Old people.

Name of the first man on the Hawaiian Islands. Father of Wakea. (MALO 4.)

ancient, aged.

garments; furniture; to adorn, dress, invest.

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