Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvt., To cut longitudinally, shave, plane, comb, press, rub or stroke, as in a massage, with gentle pressure of the open palm of the hand; to scrape; to run the fingers along the side of a poi bowl so as to remove the poi clinging to the side; comb; scraper, as for olonā fiber.

  • References:
    • PPN tafi , but cf. Fijian tasi, to escrape.

2. numeral, One, only one, alone, lone, some (sometimes following the numeral classifiers ʻa- and ʻe-, or hoʻo-); also, besides, too, single; fellow worker, wife, companion; someone, someone else, a certain (less common than kekahi); unit.

  • Examples:
    • ʻO au kahi e hele, I'm going too.
    • Naʻu kahi, give me some.
    • Pehea kahi o ʻolua? How is your companion (wife, spouse, colleague)?
    • Ka ʻāina o kahi (Kep. 159), someone else's land.
  • References:

3. loc. n., Place, location (contraction of ka wahi, not preceded by ke with this meaning); duty; where; ill case of, approximately, about. (For use of possessives o and a with kahi, see Gram. 8.6.)

  • Examples:
    • Hele ma kahi ʻē! Go away! Get out!
    • Aia ka ʻai i kahi ʻē kahi i waiho ai (Kep. 57), the food is left elsewhere.
    • Mai kahi ʻē ā noho mai, from far away but yet sitting here [said rudely of intruders or uninvited guests].
    • ʻAuhea kahi e hele ai? Where's the place to go?
    • ʻAuhea kahi o Kupa mā? Where's the residence of Kupa and his family?
    • Ma kahi hoʻokahi, at the same place, at one place.
    • A koe ʻo kahi wale nō e paʻa ana i ka lima (For. 5:711), only the handle [of the spear] was left.
    • Ma kahi o ʻumi kapuaʻi, approximately ten feet.
    • Ka mea iāia kahi i paʻa ai kona komo ʻana, the one whose duty it was to register his entrance.
    • Ā ma kahi o ke komohewa, in case of trespassing.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To rub gently with the thumb and finger.

2. To comb, as the hair. NOTE— The idea is from the motion of rubbing, polishing, sawing, &c.

3. To cut; to shave, as the beard. 2 Sam. 10:4.

4. To cut, that is, to tear; to lacerate. Lunk. 8:7. See KAHE, to cut, &c. Mea kahi umiumi, a barber.

5. To cut, as the hair. Lunk. 16:17. From the old manner of sawing off the hair with bamboo knives.

6. To slit open, i. e., cut longitudinally; kahi i ka opu, kahe i ka omaka. See kahe. NOTE.—The feeble sound of e and i so much resemble each other that both orthographies are used, i.e., kahe and kahi, to cut, though the latter is preferable.

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s., A place; some definite place spoken of or understood; it does not admit of the definite article; often SYN. with wahi. Kahi kuai, a market place, or simply a market; ma kahi e aku, at another place; kahi kakakaka o ko'u kina, the beaten place of my offense; kahi hoano, a holy place; a sanctuary. Nah. 3:28.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

art. Gram. § 65. One; someone; some; it takes the article ke—kekahi, which see. Some; a part; a portion; o ka ia kahi na ke akua, some fish for the god. See HOOKAHI.

adj. and pron., Some; someone; consisting of a portion—used to express an indefinite quantity, number or place.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

adv. and conj., Besides; as well; moreover; also: O ka ia kahi na ke akua; the fish also for the god.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

n., A place; some definite place spoken of or understood; it does not admit of the definite article; often synonymous with wahi. Kahi kuai, a market place, or simply a market; ma kahi e aku, at another place.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To rub gently with the thumb and finger.

2. v., To comb, as the hair. (The idea is from the motion of rubbing, polishing.)

3. v., To cut; to shave, as the beard.

4. v., To slit open, to cut longitudinally: kahi i ka opu, kahe i ka omaka.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Hair formerly cut with bamboo knives; to cut longitudinally, shave, comb, press, scrape; a comb. Hair of the head was also cut by placing the locks on a turtle shell plate and cutting across it with a sharkʻs tooth. This was less apt to pull than in using the bamboo knife. (KILO.)

To rub or press, as in a massage; to cut, comb.

Scraper, as for olonā fiber.

a place: some.

a comb: to cut, shave, scrape.

1. Place (contraction of “ka wahi”). Hayselden v. Wahineaea, 10 Haw. 10, 13 (1895). 2. Land. Kaleiheana v. Keahipaka, 23 Haw. 169, 170 (1916). 3. Approximately, about (PE). 4. Place, location (PE). 5. A place (AP).

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