Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvi. To flow, trickle, drop, melt, menstruate; in heat, of a bitch; a run or school of fish. See ex., kaea. Kahe ka hāʻae, to drool at the mouth. Kahe ka huʻa o ka waha, to froth at the mouth. hoʻo.kahe To water or irrigate; to cause to flow, discharge, drain, (PPN tafe.)

2. vt. To cut or slit longitudinally; to subincise or circumcise. See kahe ule. (PPN tafa.)

See uila wai kahe.

v., To spill; to pour out, as water or blood.

2. To run, as water; to flow, as a stream or river.

3. To flow, i. e., to abound in any substance. Nah. 14:8.

4. To drop; to trickle, as tears. Ezek. 24:16.

5. To flow, as froth from the mouth of a person in a fit.

6. To flow, as blood from a wound.

7. Hoo. To cause to flow or run, as a liquid, i. e., to water, as a land; to shed or cause to flow, as blood in murder. Kin. 37:22.

8. To cause to flow back, as the sea. Puk. 14:21.

* * * * * O keaka,

O na pue o Kaikua ku i ka maka ili,

Hanini, ninilani e luai e ao

E kahe e kakahi mai auanei

Ka omaka wai kapu o Lono.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Land section, point, beach park, and power plant, Wai-ʻanae qd., Oʻahu. See ʻEwa. Lit., flow.

To subincise the foreskin.

to flow.

E huli iā “kahe” ma Ulukau.

Search for “kahe” on Ulukau.

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