/ kā.hā /Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. nvt. To scratch, mark, check, draw, sketch, cut, cut open or slice lengthwise, as fish or animals; to operate, as on the sick; to give a grade or mark to; to engrave; a line in mathematics; punctuation or other mark, as an accent mark; stripe, as in the flag or of enlisted men in the Armed Forces; a grade, as in school; checkmark, long striped cloth.
2. loc.n. Place (often followed by a qualifier, as kahakai, kahaone, kahawai, and used without ke, as hele i kahakai, go to the beach); in legends, a hot dry shore (PH 74, 84; FS 173).
3. vi. To swoop, as a kite; to be poised, soar, as a bird (less used than kīkaha); to go by, pass by, to turn and go on; to surf, body surf (FS 153).
4. vt. To desolate, plunder, cheat.
5. n. Stage of a foetus in which limbs begin to develop.
7. n. A kind of tapa.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
hehele, To drive, in basketball.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
kikino Line.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. v., To scratch; to make marks; to write; to make marks indefinitely.
2. To cut; to hew, as timber.
3. To cut open, as a fish or animal; to rip open, as the belly of a person. Amos #1:13.
4. To turn about and go away; to go off; to set out to go. Laieik. 67.
5. Hoo. To seize; to take with one's knowledge, but without his consent; to rob; to take what is another's. See hookaha, an extortion. See makaha.
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1. v., To stand sideways; to stand up on the edge like the comb of a cock; to tread water; to swim standing up. Laieik. 92.
2. To land or be thrown on the shore from the surf without a surf-board.
3. FIG. To press the land on the back, as when one lands on shore in the surf; e kaha i ka nalu; hence the proverbial expression, ua kaha aku la ka nalu o knu aina, means (LIT. The surf has pressed upon my land) to have a famine for land, i. e., to press, to squeeze the people for food.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. s., A scratch; a mark; a letter.
2. In mathematics, a line.
3. A strip of barren land on the sea shore; hence,
4. Barren land anywhere where upland kalo will not grow, but the people depend on another place.
5. The channel of a small stream. See kahawai and kahakai.
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1. s., A kind of paper or cloth.
2. The crack of a whip; the report of a pistol.
3. Robbery; plunder; rapine; oppression.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
v., To be fat; to be plump; to be full, as a well-fed animal. Kin.41:2.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
s., Largeness; fatness; plumpness; aohe io o ke kaha.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. n., A scratch; a mark; a letter.
2. n., In mathematics, a line.
3. n., A strip of land along the shore; barren land.
4. n., Channel of a stream. See kahawai.
5. n., [Mod.] A kind of cloth striped lengthwise. Also known as halua.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
land unsuited for upland taro growth. Land section, Kohala, Hawaii.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
v., To be fat; to be plump; to be full, as a well-fed animal.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. v., To scratch; to mark the surface of; to write; to make indefinite marks.
2. v., To cut; to hew, as timber.
3. v., To cut open, as a fish, animal, or person.
4. v., To depart from a straight course; to start aside.
5. v., To keep clear of; to withdraw from and go a different way, as in avoiding any obstruction.
6. v., To shoot off for the shore on incoming surf. (Laieik. p. 92.)
7. v., To cover over completely as by a great tidal wave. (A word used by an ancient alii (chief) of Hamakua, Hawaii, in describing the desolation caused by a famine: Ua kaha aku la ka nalu o kuu aina; Literally, the surf of my land, or place, has swept everything away. Surf here means famine.)
8. v., To desolate; to sweep away; to oppress; to create general destruction.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
n., Largeness; fatness; plumpness: aohe io o ke kaha.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
A line in mathematics.
Land where food does not grow, mostly on an islandʻs leeward side. See au.
To pass by; to turn and go on.
to draw, make a scratch, cut open.
1. Mark (signature). Kapule v. Mokuhiwa, 12 Haw. 15, 16 (1899). 2. To write; a mark (AP). 3. Any area where taro could not be cultivated (ESH). 4. A strip of land along the shore; barren land (AP). Also, kona kaha.
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