s. A room in a house. Mar. 14:15. A cabin in a ship; a drawer of a bureau; a closet of a room. See KEENA.
v. To boast; to glory; to brag. 1 Oihl. 16:10. To make pretenses; to boast of what one has done. 2 Oihl. 28:19. To be self-conceited; auhea la ka mea nui i kaene ai oukou ia oukou iho? where is the great thing for which you boast yourselves? See KAEENA.
s. High mindedness; pride; self-exaltation.
adj. Excelling; going before; self-opinionated.
adj. With certainty; surely; without error, &c.; no ko'u ike i ka maikai, ko’u mea no ia i olelo kaena ai, from my knowledge of beauty, I can speak with confidence.
Kaena (kā'-ē'-na), adj.
/ kā'-ē'-na /Boastful; self-opinionated.
Kaena (kā'-ē'-na), adv.
/ kā'-ē'-na /With certainty; surely; without error, etc.; no ko'u ike i ka maikai, ko'u mea no ia i olelo kaena ai, from any knowledge of beauty, I can speak with confidence.
Kaena (kā'-ē'-na), n.
/ kā'-ē'-na /1. High mindedness; pride; self-exaltation.
2. Same as keena.
Kaena (kā'-ē'-na), v.
/ kā'-ē'-na /To boast; to glory; to brag; to be conceited: auhea la ka mea nui i kaena ai oukou ia oukou iho? Where is the great thing for which you boast yourselves?
Kaena (kā'e-nă):
/ kā'e-nă /room. Land section, Koolauloa, Oahu.
Kaena (kă'-e'nă):
/ kă'-e'nă /the hot anger. Land sections, various localities.
The braggart is not unknown in Hawaiʻi nei and his style of talk is termed kaena; if delivered with abundant gesticulation, it is liki.
To boast, glorify; to make pretences about what one has done. (2 Oihn. 28:19.)
Self-opinionated, proud; to make pretenses; to boast of accomplishments; to be conceited.
to boast, glory, brag, be conceited.
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