Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Grandparent, ancestor, relative or close friend of the grandparent's generation, grandaunt, granduncle. hoʻo.kupuna To take a person as a grandparent or grandaunt or granduncle because of affection; an adopted grandparent; to act as a grandparent. (PPN tupuna.)

2. Starting point, source; growing.

Plural of kupuna 1. Mai nā kūpuna mai, from the ancestors, traditional. Pili ma nā kūpuna, related through a common ancestor. (PCP tuupuna.)

s. A grand parent, either father or mother.

2. A father of two or more generations back.

3. A forefather or ancestor indefinitely.

4. A patriarch. Kin. 17:5. No na kupuna mua o ko Hawaii nei, concerning the first fathers (ancestors) of the Hawaiian race.

Kupuna (kŭ-pū'-na), n.

/ kŭ-pū'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A paternal or maternal grandparent.

2. A father of two or more generations back.

3. A forefather or ancestor.

4. A patriarch: no na kupuna mua o ko Hawaii nei, concerning the first fathers (ancestors) of the Hawaiian race.

Grandparent, either father or mother. He/she served as a source of wisdom and moral standards.

Starting point for growing.

grandparent; ancestor.

1. Grandparent; granduncle; grandaunt. 2. Relative of grandparents’ generation; ancestor.

Plural of kupuna.

E huli iā “kūpuna” ma Ulukau.

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