/ KA-PAI /v., To pound gently with the fist, as on one's flesh to promote circulation. See PAI.
2. To anoint the body with ointment. See kakele.
3. To break up wood for fuel. See kaka.
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/ KA-PAI /adj., He pōpō kāpaʻi, a ball for lomiing or rubbing the sick.
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/ kā'-pa'i /n., Any kind of remedy prepared for external use: he pōpō kāpaʻi, a ball for rubbing (lomi).
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/ kā'-pa'i /[Kā and paʻi, a blow with a flat surface.]
1. v., To pound gently with the fist as on one's flesh to promote circulation.
2. v., To anoint the body with ointment.
3. v., To break in pieces; to separate into parts by force.
4. v., To break up wood for fuel.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
Pod of medicinal herbs used for rubbing on the skin; to apply such as a poultice.
Any remedy prepared for rubbing externally; to pound gently, as on oneʻs flesh to promote circulation.
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