n., Short rib extending upward from the tip of a paddle, on the forward surface.
- References:
- PPN io.
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n., Short rib extending upward from the tip of a paddle, on the forward surface.
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s., A species of bird; a hawk.
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v., To be loaded with bundles; ua alaulau.
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v., To flee; to hasten away with fear.
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prep., Nearly synonymous with ia; used before proper names and pronouns. To; towards. Iob. 5:1. But implying motion.
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adv., I, prep., and o, there. Yonder; aia no ia io, there he is yonder. See o. Io ia nei, adverbial phrase, hither and thither.
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adv., Truly; really; verily; certainly; oiaio, truth. Io is a strong intensive. Pela io no ka hana ana a lakou; aohe io o ka hewa, the wickedness is great.
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adj., True; real; not imaginary; ua paa ka manao o kanaka he akua io no o Lono, the minds of the people were firm that Lono (Captain Cook) was a real god.
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s., A forerunner; one who announces the approach of a chief.
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s., Part; portion; reality; truth; verity. Ezek. 12:23.
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1. s., Lean flesh; the animal muscle. Anat. 3. A muscle; he io ku e, an antagonistic muscle. Anat. 26.
2. Flesh in general. Puk. 29:14.
3. Flesh, i. e., person. Oihk. 16:4.
4. One’s flesh, i. e., kindred; relation. Kin. 29:14. Io maha, the muscle on the side of the head.
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s., Name of a game.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
adj., Not imaginary; true; real: Ua paa ka manao o na kanaka he akua io no o Lono; the minds of the people were firm (in the belief that) that Lono (Captain Cook) was a real god.
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adv., Truly; really; verily; certainly: Ua hana io no oia pela; he really did so.
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adv., In that place; at a distance; yonder: Aia no ia io; there he is yonder.
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1. A bundle, package or parcel made up for transportation or storing. (Applies only to foodstuffs). He io paakai; a bundle of salt.
2. n., One who announces the approach of a chief; a forerunner.
3. n., A large buteonine hawk (Buteo solitarius); a buzzard.
4. n., A sport in which the object of the players is to keep from being caught or touched by the one who chases them for that purpose, similar to the game of tag.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. n., Lean flesh; the animal muscle: He io kue; an antagonistic muscle.
2. n., Flesh in general.
3. n., One’s person.
4. n., Kindred; relatives.
5. n., Reality; truth; verity.
6. n., The substance of a matter; the main point; the gist.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
prep., To; towards: used before proper names and pronouns. See ia.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
v., To hasten away with fear; to flee.
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v., To be loaded down with bundles. See laulau.
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