Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

nvt., To drink; a drink, drinking.

  • Examples:
    • Kāna mea inu, his beverage.
    • Kona inu, his drinking.
    • Mea inu hoʻohuihui, mixed drink.
    • Mea inu hoʻohuʻihuʻi, cold or iced beverage.
    • Pākela inu, to drink to excess.
    • Pūʻali inu wai, army of water drinkers (name of a temperance society).
  • References:

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hamani To take, as medicine or a pill. Niʻihau. Cf. ʻai. Inu i ka huaale. To take a pill. Inu i ka lāʻau. To take (liquid) medicine.

v. To drink, as water or any liquid.

2. Hoo. To cause to drink. Nah. 20:8.

3. To give drink to; to water, as a flock. NOTE.—This verb sometimes takes the syllable ha between the causative hoo and the verb; as, hoohainu. Kin. 24:14.

s. Drink; any liquid for drinking; he inu awa, awa drinking.

Inu aku i ka awa o Koukou

Ka awa lau hinalo aala

Awa o Mamalahoa he hoa—e.

Inu (ĭ'-nŭ), n.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Any liquid for drinking; a beverage; a drink.

2. The act or habit of taking spirituous liquors, especially to excess; drinking: ka ino o ka inu; the act of drinking.

Inu (ĭ'-nŭ), v.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To take a liquid into the stomach through the mouth; to drink.

2. To drink or take in, as intoxicating liquors; to imbibe.

a drink, to drink.

E huli iā “inu” ma Ulukau.

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