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1. nvt., Anger, wrath, rage, hatred, enmity (Kin. 3.15), malice; to hate (Kin. 37.4), abhor; moved with hatred, angry.

  • Examples:
    • Kēia mau mea inaina ʻia (Oihk. 18.29), these abominations.
  • References:

2. Reduplication of ina #1, ina #2.

  • hoʻoinaina Caus/sim.; To sooth as by soft music. Rare

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/ ʻina.ʻina / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. n., Reddish discharge preceding labor in childbirth, amniotic fluid.

  • Examples:
    • Ua hemo ka ʻinaʻina o ke keiki, ua kokoke paha i ka manawa e hānau ai, the prebirth matter has been discharged, perhaps the time of birth is near.

2. vs., Tiny ʻina.

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ʻaʻano Hypothetical. Redup./var. of inā.

v. To hate. Kin. 37:4. To be angry with; to grieve.

2. To have the feelings hurt by another's conduct; to abhor; to dislike. Oihk. 26:15.

3. Hoo. To excite one's anger or rage. Ier. 32:31.

v. To shake; to move; to stir; paonioni.

s. Anger; hatred. Kin. 3:15. Malice; wrath.

2. The reddish evacuation which precedes labor; ua hemo ka inaina o ke keiki, kokoke paha ka manawa e hanau ai.

adj Angry; abominable; hateful; causing one to be angry. Oihk. 18:29, 30.

Inaina (ĭ-nă'i-nă), adj.

/ ĭ-nă'i-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Moved with anger; full of wrath; wrathful; angry.

2. Feeling or manifesting hatred; malignant; hateful

Inaina (ĭ-nă'i-nă), n.

/ ĭ-nă'i-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Anger; rage; wrath.

2. Malice; hatred.

Inaina (ĭ'-nă-ĭ'-nă), n.

/ ĭ'-nă-ĭ'-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

The reddish evacuation which precedes labor in childbirth. Ua hemo ka inaina o ke keiki ua kokoke paha i ka manawa e hanau ai.

Inaina (ĭ-nă'i-nă), v.

/ ĭ-nă'i-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be angry with; to be affected with anger.

2. To dislike; to abhor; to hate.

Inaina (ĭ'-nă-ĭ'-nă), v.

/ ĭ'-nă-ĭ'-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To shake; to move; to disturb; to stir.

Reddish evacuation that precedes labor pains.

Angry, wrathful, hateful.

I. Ua oleloia, inaina mai ke Akua, no ka mea, he ano inaina kana hana e like me ka ke kanaka hana. He olelo hoohalike keia. Aole inaina maoli ke Akua e like me ke kanaka me ka naau ino; aka, hoopai pono mai ke Akua i ka poe hewa, Is. 59:18.

anger, malice.

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