v. To tease; to persevere in entreaty.
2. To be trickish. Hoo. The same.
v. To be poor; to be destitute; to be impoverished. Lunk. 6:6. To be in want. Hoo. To impoverish; to strip one of property. Lunk. 14:15.
adj. Destitute of property; naked; poor; applied to persons.
s. A poor man; e ola auanei ka hune, the poor man will soon recover.
Hune (hū'-ne), adj.
/ hū'-ne /Destitute of property; naked; poor; applied to persons.
Hune (hū'-ne), n.
/ hū'-ne /1. A poor man; a poverty stricken person: E ola auanei ka hune, the poor man will soon recover.
Hu'ne (hū'-ne), v.
/ hū'-ne /1. To be poor; to be destitute; to be impoverished. To be in want.
2. Same as hoohune, to tease.
poverty: poor.
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