Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvt. To sew, stitch; seam, stich; to bind together parts of a fishhook; to bind, as a book. Nā puke i humu ʻia, the books that were bound. hoʻo.humu To make someone sew. (PNP sumu).

2. n. Hole by which parts of a hook were bound together.

3. (Cap.) n. The star Altair, in Aquila, said to have been used for navigation from Hawaiʻi to Tahiti. Also Hoʻohumu. (PNP Sumu).

4. Short for paehumu, taboo enclosure.

v. To sew cloth; to fasten together by sewing.

Humu (hū'-mu), n.

/ hū'-mu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Altair, the bright star in the constellation of Aquila. (Akuila.)

Humu (hū'-mu), v.

/ hū'-mu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To sew cloth; to fasten together by sewing.

Short for paehumu, a kapu enclosure, a confinement area.

Kapu around a chiefʻs house or heiau.

Kapu around a chiefʻs house or heiau.

Head of a mat; starting place to interweave strips or reeds of sedges, grasses, etc., to form a firm edge; to start plaiting a mat.

Altair, a star of the first magnitude in Aquila, a southern constellation in the Milky Way; the Eagle.

humuhumu, to sew cloth, to sew.

E huli iā “humu” ma Ulukau.

Search for “humu” on Ulukau.

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