Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n., Sum, total, amount.

  • Examples:
    • (2 Sam. 24.9.) E hoʻokuʻi i ka huina, add up the total.
    • Hoʻokuʻi i ka huina o lākou me nā mamo a Iseraʻela (Nah. 1.49), add up a census of them among the descendants of Israel.

2. n., Unit, cluster; military detail or detachment.

  • Examples:
    • Ka huina lawe hae, color detachment, color-bearing unit.

3. n., Angle; corner, as of a house or street; crossroads, intersection, junction, juncture.

4. n., Tie or slur (music).

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kikino, Angle, in math.

Nā LepiliTags: math

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s. Hui and ana, a uniting. A number; the sum of several numbers. 2 Sam. 24:9. E hookui i ka huina, to add up the sum. Nah. 1:49.

2. The point where two lines meet, an angle; the place where two roads meet; a corner, as of a house, fence, &c.

3. In music, a close of a tune.

4. In geometry, huina is the general name for angle, qualified by such terms as designate the various kinds of angles.

Huina (hū'-ī-na), n.

/ hū'-ī-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Hui, a group, and ana, a uniting.]

1. A number; the sum of several numbers: E hookui i ka huina, to add up the sum.

2. The point where two lines meet, an angle; the place where two roads meet; a corner, as of a house, fence, etc.

3. In music, a close of a tune.

4. In geometry, huina is the general name for angle; huinakolu, triangle, huinahaa, quadrangle, huinalima, pentagon; huina ono, hexagon; huina hiku, heptagon; huina walu, octagon, etc.

5. A being associated; a union.

Huina (hū'-ī'-nă-lī'-ma), n.

/ hū'-ī'-nă-lī'-ma / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Huina, angle, and lima, five.]

1. In geometry, a five-sided figure; a pentagon; huina ono, a six-sided figure; huina hiku, a seven-sided figure; huina walu, an eight-sided figure, etc.

2. Union of two hands as in the game of uma.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Street, Nuʻu-anu, Honolulu. Lit., intersection.

Right angle; corner where two roads meet; corner of a house.

a number, meeting point, angle.

1. The point where two lines meet, an angle; the place where two roads meet; a corner, as of a house, fence, etc (AP). 2. Total. 3. Angle.

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