Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n. Cluster, collection, swarm, bunch. Also huihui. E noho malalo o ka lāʻau maka, iho mai ka huhui, māʻona ka ʻōpū, sit under a green tree, the cluster falls, stomach is filled [serve a worthy person and you will be rewarded].

2. (Cap.) Pleiades. Also Huihui. Hoʻopaʻa i nā mea paʻa o nā Huhui (Ioba 38.31), bind the chains of the Pleiades.

s. See HUI. Hu doubled. A bunch; a collection of things, generally qualified by a following word; as, huhui palaoa, a head of wheat. Mat. 12:1. Huhui mau, a bundle of grass; huhui maia, a bunch of bananas; huhui (hoku understood), the pleiades or seven stars. Iob. 38:31. The constellations of stars. Isa. 13:10. See HUIHUI.

Huhui (hū'-hū'-i), n.

/ hū'-hū'-i / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Same as huihui.

1. A collection of things into one form or group.

2. The Pleiades or seven stars; a cluster.

a swarm.

E huli iā “huhui” ma Ulukau.

Search for “huhui” on Ulukau.

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