Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvs. Tail, as of dog, cat, or pig; train of a dress; tail-end, last. Fig., inferior. Cf. huehuelo, pewa, hiʻu, puapua. He poʻe kanaka huelo ia (Kel. 119), these are the tail ends of Hawaiians. hoʻo.huelo To lengthen, continue, make a tail; to stream down, as water over a cliff.

2. A hop vine. (AP)

s. The tail of a beast or reptile; ke kahili o na holoholona ma ka hope, the fly-brush at the extremity of animals; huelo awa, a sting. 1 Kor. 15:55. Mai noho a makamaka ilio, i ka huelo ka ike, be not friends with the dog, for the tail will show it; the tail. Puk. 4:4. The rump. Puk. 29:22.

2. FIG. An inferior in opposition to poo, a superior. Kanl. 28:13.

Huelo (hū'-ē'-lo), n.

/ hū'-ē'-lo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Tail of a beast or reptile; the rump; ke kahili o na holoholona ma ka hope, the fly-brush at the extremity of animals; huelo awa, a sting. Mai noho a makamaka ilio, i ka huelo ka ike, be not friends with the dog, for the tail will show it.

2. Fig. An inferior, as distinguished from poo, a superior.

3. The hop vine.

Huelo (hu'-elo):

/ hu'-elo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

tail. Land section, Hamakualoa, Maui.

  • Village, stream, and point, Haʻikū qd., Maui (see Hakakaupueo).
  • Islet 3.1 acres, Kamalō qd., north Molokaʻi. A game, originated by Papio, was played here; loulu palm leaves were woven into hammocks upon which players were laid and then tossed into the sea. See Leina-o-Papio. (Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 6, 1922.)

Nā LepiliTags: Molokaʻi

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Island (3.1 acres), Waikolu, Molokaʻi. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Lit., tail end, last.

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