Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


vs. Bright, polished, clean, pure, white, glittering, gleaming; morally pure. Ua huali kona kapa e like me ka hau (Mat. 28.3), his raiment was white as snow. hoʻo.huali Caus/sim.; to polish (Ezek. 21. 10). Mehe ʻōlinolino lā ke nānā aku, a me ke keleawe hoʻohuali ʻia (Ezek. 8..2), like the brightness of the sun to look upon, and gleaming bronze.

v. To be bright, as polished metal; to be clean; to glitter with whiteness or purity, as a garment. Mat. 28:3. Hoo. To furbish or burnish. Ezek. 21:10.

2. To strike.

3. To commence a kapu of a particular kind.

adj. Bright; clean, as a substance polished; bright; polished. 2 Oihl. 4:16. Pure whiteness; lole huali, very white cloth; shining.

2. In a moral sense, pure; undefiled; morally good; applied to the heart. 2 Pet. 3:1.

3. Glittering, as a sword. Kanl. 32:41.

4. Hoo. Keleawe i hoohualiia, polished brass. Ezek. 8:2.

Huali (hū'-ă'-li), adj.

/ hū'-ă'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Bright; clean, as a substance polished; bright; polished; pure white; lole huali, very white cloth; shining.

2. In a moral sense, pure; undefiled; morally good; applied to the heart.

3. Glittering. Kuu pahikaua huali, my glittering sword.

Huali (hū'-ă'-li), v.

/ hū'-ă'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be bright, as polished metal; to be clean; to glitter with whiteness or purity, as a garment.

2. To burst forth with sudden transient light.

Street, Punchbowl, Honolulu. Lit., bright.

To commence a kapu of a particular kind. No data. (A.)

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