Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. vi. Sweet and soft, as music; sweetly appealing, as perfume or a memory of love; to sound softly; to tease, play pranks; mischievous. Ke kani hone a ka waiolina, the sweet sound of a violin. Na ka moani lā i hali mai, hone ana i ke kai (song), brought by the moani breeze, spreading sweetly to the sea. Kani hone kēia keiki, this child keeps up a teasing cry. hoʻo.hone Caus/sim.

2. n. Honey. Eng. Wili i ka hone, to extract honey.

3. n. Tenon of a wall post (Kam. 76:97.)

kikino Syrup. Niʻihau. Also malakeke.

v. See NE. To be saucy; to be playful; to be trickish; to tease one; to run upon.

2. To prick; to enter, as a sharp thing; me he wahi kuikele la ia e hone nei iloko o ka manao, like a needle it pierces into the thought.

s. Mischief; a trick; teasing; he mea hookanikani o ka moku.

Hone (hō'-ne), adj.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Roguish; mischievous.

Hone (hō'-ne), n.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Mischief; a trick.

2. A teasing; an annoying; a vexation.

Hone (hō'-ne), v.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

(See ne.)

1. To be saucy; to be playful; to be tricky; to tease one; to run upon; to irritate or annoy verbally.

2. To prick; to enter, as a sharp thing: Me he wahi kuikele la ia e hone nei iloko o ka manao, like a needle it pierces into the thought.

3. To criticise; to censure; to cavil.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Lane, Ka-pā-lama section, Honolulu. Lit., soft and sweet.

Honey. This word may have been coined in 1857 when bees were first brought successfully to Hawaiʻi.

To prick, as a sharp thing. Me ke wahi kaikele la is e hone nei iloko o ka manaʻo, like a needle it pierces into thought.

To be saucy; to tease, play pranks.

h. he puhaku no ka hookala ana.

hai. e hookala ma ka hoana.

Pohaku hookala. SYN. whetstone.

E huli iā “hone” ma Ulukau.

Search for “hone” on Ulukau.

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