Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ holo.holo / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. vi., To go for a walk, ride, or sail; to go out for pleasure, stroll, promenade.

  • Examples:
    • Holoholo wale, ride anywhere or aimlessly, stray.
    • He pule holoholo ʻana, a continuous prayer.
    • E holoholo ana ma ka mahina ʻai (Kin. 3.8), walking in the garden.
  • References:

2. nvt., Basting; to baste, sew.

3. nvi., A net into which fish run (holoholo) after being frightened; to fish with this net.

4. nvi., An old Hawaiian game of kicking a ball to which feathers were attached; to play this game.

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hehele, Traveling, in basketball; to travel.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • Examples:
    • Ua lilo ke kinipōpō iā Waiākea no ka holoholo ʻana a ke kūkahi o Hilo. The ball was turned over to Waiākea after the point guard for Hilo traveled.

Nā LepiliTags: sports basketball

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/ HO-LO-HO-LO / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. v., See holo. To walk; to walk about. Kin. 3:8.

2. To sail or run to and fro. Jer. 5:1. To go about from place to place. Luk. 13:33.

3. Hooholoholo. To cause to ride, &c. Kanl. 32:13. NOTE.—This double form, holoholo, has most of the senses that are attached to holo.

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/ HO-LO-HO-LO / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., The name of a game among the ancient Hawaiians.

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/ hō'-lŏ-hō'-lo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., An old Hawaiian game; suggests the English play of battledore and shuttle-cock. Little halls, to which feathers were attached, were propelled by a thrust of the foot of the player. It was played by six or three on a side.

2. n., A mode of fishing by night.

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/ hō'-lŏ-hō'-lo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Freq. of holo.]

1. v., To walk; to walk about.

2. v., To sail or run to and fro. To go from place to place.

3. v., To exercise in walking for health or for pleasure. (A modern use of the word).

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Ancient sport of kicking a ball adorned with feathers.

To sail aimlessly.

To take a walk.

to walk about; sail about.

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