Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n. Crescent; arch, as over door of ancient house (Kep. 101); crescent-shaped design at base of temple drum; crest, as on a helmet.

2. (Cap.) n. Second day of the month. (Kep. 101) (PCP (F,S)oata, cf. Easter oʻata.)

3. nvi. Brightness; shining, glittering, splendid; to glitter, shine, flash as lightning, become daylight; to flame. Fig., glory. Also ʻoaka. Lele hoaka, to fly glittering, as fire sparks. (PCP (f,s)oata.)

4. v. To cast a shadow; to brandish, as a spear (2 Sam. 23.18), to drive away, ward off, frighten. Cf. aka #1. Mai hele maʻō e hoaka ai i ke kai o holo ka iʻa, don't go over there and cast your shadow in the sea lest the fish run away.

5. vt. To open, as the mouth. (Hoik. 13.6.)

6. n. Spirit, apparition, ghost (For. 6:370). Lele ka hoaka, the spirit has flown [of death; the glory of the land has departed].

7. n. Disease of the abdomen, perhaps appendicitis, rupture (followed by a qualifier). See hoaka ʻīpuka hale, hoaka kākala. Other qualifiers reported are hāwele, kū, kū kahi, kū lua.

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See entries below. Pae moku hoaka. Island arc.

Point, Wai-mea district, Kauaʻi. Lit., crescent.

Arch or lintel over a door. (Puk. 12:7.)

One of the kapu days; second day of the moon. See Time: Nights of the Lunar Month.

Crescent of the new moon.

Second night of the lunar month, with a crescent-shaped moon, a kapu day. A favorable day for planting. Lit., clear.

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