Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvs. Entirely black, as of pigs offered to the gods, a desirable blackness contrasting with uli and ʻeleʻele, which have pejorative connotations. See polohiwa and its associations with the god Kāne. (PCP (f,s)iwa.)

2. vs. Choice. See hiwahiwa.

3. A term qualifying coconuts and kava; see niu, ʻawa.

4. See ʻAeʻae-a-hiwa.

Clear black, applied mostly to sacrifices to the gods; a black kapa. See polohiwa.

Black, a very acceptable color for a sacrifice to the gods, including, of all things, a keiki hiwahiwa. (1 Tes. 2:8.)

Black, clear black. Applied mostly to that which was used to sacrifice to the gods, as a black hog.

E huli iā “hiwa” ma Ulukau.

Search for “hiwa” on Ulukau.

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