nvi. Soft whistling sound, gust or draft of wind; to whistle.
nvi. Soft whistling sound, gust or draft of wind; to whistle.
v. See HIO. To sleep; to fall asleep.
2. To dream; e paa ka maka a ike ka uhane, to shut the eyes and see with the soul, that is, to have a vision. Hoik. 1:10.
3. To fall asleep again after waking.
4. To sleep soundly.
5. To blow; to rush violently, as a strong wind. See PUAHIOHIO.
s. A vision. Kin. 15:1. A dream.
A vision.
1. To fall into light sleep; to doze; to be sleepy.
2. To see as in a vision; to dream.
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