Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


n. Desire, delight. Cf. hiamoe. ʻAʻole ipau koʻu hia i ka nani o Hilo, my delight in the beauties of Hilo is endless. Ua mau ka hia a ka poʻe a ka hale e noho, it was still the desire of the people of the house to stay. (PPN fia.) hoʻo.hia Caus/sim. (For. 6:419.)

v. To rub two sticks one upon another to obtain fire. See AULIMA and AUNAHI. E hana i ke ahi me ka aunahi, a maluna iho ka aulima, alaila kuolo me ka anai ana i mea e a i ke ahi.

2. To reflect; to think.

3. To run about as wild; to strut about.

4. To entangle; to catch, as in a net; eha ai i ka upena.

s. A reflecting; the act of thinking.

2. The person who catches or entangles fish in a net.

adj. Roving; unsteady; also entangled.

The passive termination of many verbs instead of ia; as, pauhia for pauia. Gram.§ 48.

Hia (hi'a), adj.

/ hi'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Ardent; eager.

2. Roving; unsteady.

An interrogative with the prefixes a, e and pa, as ahia, how many, ehia, how many, pahia, how many to the group.

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Hia (hi'a), n.

/ hi'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The act of rubbing two sticks together to obtain fire.

2. Reflection; thinking.

3. Loneliness.

4. Desire.

Hia (hi'a), v.

/ hi'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To rub one stick upon another, as in obtaining fire in ancient times.

2. To knot or fasten the meshes of a fish net; to form net work.

To rub two sticks together for friction and fire.

To desire, take delight in; to think, reflect.

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