Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vt. To uproot, dig up, put to flight, drive away, evict, shoo. E hehu aʻe ʻoia i ka ʻIseraʻela mai loko aʻe o kēlā ʻāina maikaʻi (1 Nal. 14.15), and he shall root up Israel out of this good land.

2. n. Young seedlings or plants, as for transplanting; sucker. Cf. ilo 2.

3. nvt. A purge, as of water and juice of gourd stems used as an enema; to purge.

4. n. Ceremony to drive away evil influence.

5. n. Pile, as of rocks. (GP 100.)

kikino Seedling, as of ʻilima plants. Dic. See kauwowo.

v. To pull up by the roots; to root up. 1 Nal. 14:15.

2. FIG. To root out, as a people; malia paha i hehuia makou i poe nana e kuhikuhi i na iwi o ka poe kahiko, perhaps we shall be rooted up as those who shall point to the bones (land-marks) of the ancients.

3. To pull up for transplanting; to transplant.

4. To carry manure for the good of a transplanted tree.

v. To summon to work or to war; to warn out.

s. A tree pulled up for transplantation.

2. Mist; steam; vapor; spray from the sea. See EHU and HEHUKAI.

3. Name of a medicine.

Hehu (hē'-hu), n.

/ hē'-hu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Young plants for transplanting.

2. A cathartic made from the stem of gourd leaves.

Hehu (hē'-hu), v.

/ hē'-hu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To uproot, to uproot for the purpose of replanting.

2. To put to flight, as a people: malia paha i hehuia makou i poe nana e kuhikuhi i na iwi o ka poe kahiko; perhaps we shall be rooted up as those who shall point to the bones (landmarks) of the ancients.

3. To drive; to rouse up for work or war.

4. To purge from the effect of medicine.

5. To summon to work or to war.

6. To warn out.

To purge from the effects of medicine with water and juice; enema.

to uproot, dig up.

A pile of rocks (PE).

E huli iā “hehu” ma Ulukau.

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