Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

nvt. To stamp, tread, trample, pedal, step on; trampling. Fig., to repudiate, deny, desecrate, loathe, break (as taboo). Also hahi. Hehi ʻia, downtrodden. Hehi berita, to trample on a covenant. Kaʻa hehi wāwae, bicycle. Kahi hehi palaoa (Nah. 15.20), threshing floor. Ka hehi ʻana i ka lā Kāpaki, desecration of the Sabbath day. Hehi nō ka mea māʻona i ka waihona meli (Sol. 27.7), the person full of food loathes the honeycomb. Hehi i ka pili, to repudiate a relationship, as to in-laws after a spouse's death.

v. To tread upon. Kanl. 1:36. To trample down. See EHI. With kapuai. Kanl. 11:24.

2. To put the foot upon, a symbol of subjection. Ios. 10:24.

3. To trample upon, i. e., disobey or dis- regard, as a law; hehi na mea a pau maluna o ke kanawai o ka aina, everybody trampled upon the law of the land; hehi berita, to trample upon or disregard a covenant. Lunk. 2:20.

4. To loathe, as a full person his food. Sol. 27:7.

s. A treading; a place for treading; kahi hehi palaoa, a thrashing floor where grain was trodden ont. Nah. 15:20.

Hehi (hĕ'-hi), n.

/ hĕ'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A beating or pressing with the feet (procedure in preparing the surface of a new taro patch for planting).

2. A treading; a place for treading; kahi hehi palaoa, a threshing floor where grain was trodden out.

3. A step or pressure with the foot: kaa hehi wawae; a bicycle.

Hehi (hē'-hi), v.

/ hē'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To tread upon; to trample down.

2. To put the foot upon, a symbol of subjection.

3. To trample upon; to disobey or disregard, as a law: hehi na mea a pau maluna o ke kanawai o ka aina; everybody trampled upon the law of the land; hehi berita, to trample upon or disregard a covenant.

4. To beat or press with the feet.

To disobey or disregard the law

to tread; trample, stamp, step.

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