Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vt., To call, name; to sing or recite a name chant; to give a name to.

  • Examples:
    • Ua hea aku au i kona inoa ʻo Laʻa-kea, I named him Laʻa-kea.
    • Ke hea mai ʻoukou iaʻu, he kumu (Ioane 13.13), ye call me, teacher.
  • References:

2. vs., Misty, clouded, smoky, obscure.

3. n., Bank, as of a river.

  • References:
    • Kep. 91.

4. interrogative, Which (in questions and after other words).

  • Examples:
    • Ka mea hea? Which thing?
    • Ka manawa hea? Which time? When?
    • Ka hale hea? Which house?
  • References:

5. interjection, Where? (Usually following prepositions i, ma, mai, no, ʻo; mahea is often written as one word.)

  • Examples:
    • I hea ka puke? Just where is the book?
    • Mahea ka puke? Whereabouts is the book?
    • Mai hea mai? Where from?
    • No hea ʻoe? Where are you from?
    • Ā e hele ana ʻoe ʻo hea (For. 5:219)? Where are you going?
    • Aia i hea ka puke? Where's the book (sometimes shortened to aihea)?
    • ʻO kēia lio ā ʻo kēlā lio, mahea ʻoe? This horse or that horse, which for you?
  • References:

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Used as a suffix to various words, as paapuhea, meaning perhaps heavy or smoky.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. n., Sore eyes; inflamed eyes.

2. n., A red color, as of blood.

3. n., An ancient Hawaiian practice to determine who was to be the human sacrifice. On the eighth day of the dedication ceremonies of a heiau, or temple, a baked hog was to be eaten. Should any one be unable to eat all of his portion he was immediately sacrificed. The hog itself was called puaa hea, bloody pig.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Cloudy, misty.

To be red or sore, as inflamed eyes.

Cold rain created by a chilling wind. Kona-hea, a cold Kona storm.

which? what?

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