Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

n.v. Unpleasant odor, as of spoiling fish or meat, or volcanic sulphur; stench; tainted. (Hau- 1 + -na, nominalizer.) hoʻo.hauna To cause an offensive odor; to use strong-smelling bait to attract fish; to smell such an odor. Iʻa hoʻohauna, same as iʻa hoʻomelu; see melu. (PNP saunga.)

Same as hau 3, 4; stroke, blow; offering; to mend a net; to toss, as a kilu quoit (Laie 483). See hāuna lāʻau.

s. The strong offensive smell of meat.

adj. Strong smelling; offensive to the smell.

s. The striking of the hand or other substance in playing the kily; a i ka umi o ka hauna kilu, a laua. Laieik. 114.

Hauna (hă'u-nă), adj.

/ hă'u-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker,

1. Offensive to the smell, stinking.

2. Having the odor of flesh beginning to spoil; tainted (refers to meat).


Hauna (hă'u-nă), n.

/ hă'u-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker,

1. The smell of tainted meat or fish.

2. The process of mending a net.

Hauna (hā'u-nă), n.

/ hā'u-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker,

A striking; a firm stroke with the hand, as in playing kilu and other games.

Hauna (hă'u-na), v.

/ hă'u-na / Haw to Eng, Parker,

To patch or mend a net.

Fishpond on inner side of Loko-Waka pond, Ke-au-kaha, Hawaiʻi. Lit., fishy smell.

Fishpond, Keaukaha, Hawaiʻi. Fishpond within Lokowaka Fishpond. Lit., fishy smell or stench.

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