Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Pas/imp. of hau 3; a blow, stripe; to whip. ʻO ka haua hoʻi no ke kua o ka poʻe lapuwale (Sol. 19.29), stripes indeed for the backs of fools. Haua iho nei au e kō aloha (chant), I've been smitten by your love.

2. Pas/imp. of hau 4. Aloha ʻoe, ē Hiʻiaka … i haua ʻia i ka ihu o ka puaʻa (prayer), greetings to you, O Hiʻiaka … to whom is sacrificed a pig nose [a whole pig].

v. To whip; to apply stripes to one; to chastise. Sol. 19:18. See HAHAU.

s. A whipping; a stripe; a chastisement. Sol. 19:29.

Haua (hā'u-ă), n.

/ hā'u-ă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A blow with the hand, fist, club, etc.

Haua (hā'u-ă), v.

/ hā'u-ă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To whip; to apply stripes to one.

2. To chastise. See hahau.

Haua (hā'u-ă):

/ hā'u-ă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

to strike. Land section, Lahaina, Maui.

Gulch, east Lā-naʻi. Lit., smitten.

To strike, apply stripes, chastise. (Sol. 19:18.)

E huli iā “haua” ma Ulukau.

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