1. n., A lowland tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus 🌐), found in many warm countries, some spreading horizontally over the ground forming impenetrable thickets, and some trained on trellises. The leaves are rounded and heart-shaped, the flowers cup-shaped, with five large petals that change through the day from yellow to dull-red. Formerly the light, tough wood served for outriggers of canoes, the bast for rope, the sap and flowers for medicine.
2. nvs., Cool, iced; ice, frost, dew, snow (see ex., ʻale #1); a cool breeze; to blow, of a cool breeze.
3. Same as hahau #1; to hit, smite, beat, tap.
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4. Same as hahau #2; to lay before; to offer, as a sacrifice or prayer.
5. n., A soft porous stone, as used for polishing calabashes.
6. n., Mother-of-pearl shell.
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