Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Bay, valley (only in place names, as Hanalei, Hanapēpē. Also Hono-, as in Honolulu). (Gram. 8.1; Pukui, Elbert, and Mookini, 1974, 245–7,.) (PPN fanga.)


pākuʻina kauhopesuffix Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

Nominalizing suffix.

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1. vs., Alert.

  • Examples:
    • I hāna ka pō, i hāna ke ao, so the night may be alert, the day alert.

2. (Cap.) n., Name of a district and town, East Maui.

Nā LepiliTags: geography Maui

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1. Ridgepost supporting each end of the ridgepole.

2. Wood shavings (Kamakau). Rare.

See rain.

1. nvt., Work, labor, job, employment, occupation, duty, office, activity, function, practice, procedure, process, deal, incident, reason, action, act, deed, task, service, behavior; to work, labor, do, behave, commit, make, manufacture, create, transact, perform, prepare, happen; to develop, as a picture; to have a love affair (FS 115); to induce by sorcery; to handle (as a court case); to conduct (as a class). (Translated by many English words, but seldom by ‘work’.)

  • Examples:
    • Hana ʻia, made, completed, wrought.
    • Ka haʻi ʻana i ka hana aku, active voice.
    • Poʻe hana, workers, employees.
    • Maikaʻi ka hana, well done.
    • Hana ā maikaʻi, fix.
    • Ka haʻi ʻana i ka hana ʻia mai, passive verb.
    • I … hana, when; as; while; at the time that.
    • I hele aku kona hana, ua lilo ka pāpale, when he went, the hat was gone.
    • Mea hana, tool; task; offering to ʻaumākua gods.
    • Ke hana mai ʻo Pele i kāna hana, when Pele does her work.
    • Ka hana ia a ka loea, ʻo ke akamai paheʻe ʻulu (chant), that is the way an expert does, smart in bowling.
    • ʻO ka hana, ua hana ʻia.
    • the work has been done [a completed task].
    • Hana maikaʻi i ka ʻāina, clear the soil well.
    • ʻAʻohe kona he maʻi maoli, he maʻi hana ʻia, his is not a natural sickness, it is induced by sorcery.
    • Hana ʻia maila ka wai ā ʻono (Puk. 15.25), the waters were made sweet.
  • References:

2. vs., Worthless; provoked.

  • Examples:
    • ʻAi mai nei hana kanaka a waiho mai nei i nā pā naʻu e holoi. This worthless person ate and left the dishes for me to wash.
  • References:

3. Same as kilohana, a tapa.

4. Same as hahana, warm.

5. n., Notch, as in a tree.

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kikino, Errand.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word
  • Examples:
    • Nui kaʻu mau hana e hana ai i ke kaona i kēia lā. I have a lot of errands to do/run in town today.

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kikino, Function, as on a calculator or computer keyboard.

Nā LepiliTags: computers preceded by ke

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hamanitransitive verb Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

hamani, To take, as a test.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • Examples:
    • Hana i ka hōʻike. To take a test.
  • References:
    • Cf. haku i ka hōʻike.

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kikinonoun Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

kikino, Wood shavings.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word

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1. v., To do; to work; to cause; used in the most extensive sense; to act; to labor.

2. To make; to do a thing; to affect; to produce. Rom. 3:32. To perform a duty; to cause a thing; to build, as an edifice.

3. To form for a particular purpose.

4. To observe a ceremony; to keep a command. Puk. 12:47. PASS. To cause to be done, i. e., to become. Puk. 15:25.

5. To be or become warm. See this in the compounds hahana, ma or mehana, hanahana, and koehana. NOTE.—Hana is qualified by other words; hana paa, to bind; imprison. Luk. 3:20. Hana is often used in a causative sense. Oih. 3:12. Hana hou, to proceed to do again, or something similar. Oih. 5:3. Hana make, to destroy; kill. Rom. 14:15. Hana kanawai, to keep a law. Hana is often causative of the following verb. Isa. 42:2. Hana ino, to do badly. Hana kumu ole, to do without cause. Hoohana. To cause or compete. Ezek. 14:23. To work; to afflict. Puk. 1:13. To refresh; to renew.

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kikinonoun / HA-NA / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., Work; labor; duty; office; calling; trade, &c.; hana mana, a miracle; hana a ka lani, the doing or the work of the chief.

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kikinonoun / HA-NA / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., Name of the white or wauki kapa.

Nā LepiliTags: tapa

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kikinonoun / HA-NA / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., Name of the middle post of a house; pou hana.

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kikinonoun / hă-nā' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

The middle post on the end of a house; post that supports the end of the ridge pole.

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iʻoaproper noun / hā'-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

respite from heavy exhaled breathing. District, Maui.

Nā LepiliTags: geography Maui

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heheleintransitive verb / hā'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. v., To work; to labor.

2. v., Used in a most extensive sense of to cause and to act.

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kikinonoun / hā'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., Work; labor: hana mana, a miracle; hana a ka lani, the doing or the work of the chief.

2. n., Duty.

3. n., Office; calling.

4. n., Trade.

5. n., Bleached wauke bark.

6. n., Tapa of the best material and of brilliant colors used to cover the outside of anything. Also called kilohana.

7. n., The four white sheets of tapa under the top sheet of a set of sleep-ing tapa.

Nā LepiliTags: tapa

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pākuʻina kaumuaprefix WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Prefix of many place names (also Hono-).

  • References:
    • See Appendix 5.2.

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iʻoaproper noun WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Quadrangle, village, bay, surfing area, elementary and high school, beach park, district, forest reserve, plantation, and road, East Maui. Queen Kaʻahumanu was born here at a place called Pōnahakeone (circle [of] the sand). Poetic: ʻāina ua, lani haʻahaʻa (PH 210), rainy land, low-lying sky.

  • References:
    • Ii 172.
    • See Nānuʻalele.

Nā LepiliTags: Maui

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iʻoaproper noun WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),
  1. Beach park, Hāna, Maui. A 700-foot-long calcareous sand beach fronts the park between the wharf and the pilings of the former Hāna Landing.
  2. Ramp and Wharf, Hāna, Maui. The 300-foot-long wharf was no longer used for inter-island shipping once Hāna was connected to Kahului Harbor by road. The Hāna Highway, a 52-mile paved road, opened as a dirt road in 1927. Facilities for boaters include ten moorings, a ramp, a pier, and a vessel washdown area.
  • Literally, work or profession. The goddess Luʻukia was said to have taught tapa beating to the women of Hāna in a cave called Hāna o Luʻukia, or the "work of Luʻukia."

Nā LepiliTags: Maui

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Middle part of a house; ridge post supporting the ridgepole.

White kapa of wauke. See kikama, kilohana, kuʻinakapa.

I. he wahine haipule a keka- hi Levi no Ramataima-Zopimo, o Ele- kana kona inoa, a he makuwahine o Samuela, M. K. 1171. Ua pule ikaika aku o Hana e haawi mai ke Akua i kei- ki nana, a hoohiki e haawi loa aku ia na ke Akua; a pela io no. A mahope ua haawiia mai nana elua keikikane hou a me na kaikamahine elua, Sam. 1-2:21.

II. O ka hana i na mea hou noloko mai o ka mea ole, oia kekahi ano o keia olelo; a eia hoi kekahi, o ka hana i ano hou ae kekahi mata i hanaia mamua. O ke auo mua paha ke ano i pili i ka olelo hana ma Kin. 1:1; ma- nao nae kekahi poe, o ke ano lua i pili i keia olelo ma Kinohi; aka, eia ka mea maopopo ma ka noonoo ana, a ma ka Baibala, Sol. 8:22-31; Ioa. 1:1-3; Heb. 11:3, aole mau loa mai ka mata.

work, labor; to make, do

to be or become warm

bay, in place names

middle post of house gable end


1. Give. Branca v. Makuakane, 13 Haw. 499 (1901). 2. To make (execute). In re Will of Kamakea, 3 Haw. 799 (1877). 3. Transact; perform; prepare (PE). 4. Work; labor; office; used in a most extensive sense of to cause and to act (AP).

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