Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vt., Anointed, smeared; to anoint, stain, rub, as with oil; to besmear, plaster, stroke gently, pet, fondle, caress; to struggle, as a drowning man; to put on, as gloves (Kel. 134); to spread, as butter; to plane smooth.

  • Figuratively, to flatter; compassion.
  • Examples:
    • Nā papa hū ʻole i hamo ʻia i ka ʻaila (Puk. 29.2), unleavened wafers anointed with oil.
    • Nā hale lāʻau i hamo ʻia ā hinuhinu (Kel. 135), wooden houses planed beautifully smooth.

2. vt., To thrust through or split asunder, as with a spear.

  • Examples:
    • E hamo ʻia iho ana ua koa nei (For. 5:703), this fighter was split asunder.
    • E hamo iho ana ʻo Kawelo i ka ihe (For. 5:707), Kawelo thrust his spear through.

3. n., A variety of sweet potato.

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v. To stroke over with the hand; to wash the face; to rub or brush, as in cleaning clothes.

2. To besmear with blood; to plaster with lime; to anoint with oil. Puk. 29:2. Or ointment. 2 Sam. 12:20.

3. To bend or crook the arm, as in doing the foregoing things; to crook round; to bend round, as an oval surface.

4. To be exactly circular, as a good calabash; ua hamo ka ipu. See Ana. Hon. 10.

adj. Anointed; plastered; besmeared; ina hele ke kanaka me ke poo hamo palolo, if a man went with head besmeared with white clay; mea hamo, ointment; perfume.

Hamo (hā'-mo), adj.

/ hā'-mo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Anointed.

2. Besmeared: ina hele ke kanaka: me ke poo hamo palolo, if a man went with head besmeared with white clay; mea hamo, ointment; perfume.

Hamo (hā'-mo), v.

/ hā'-mo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To rub over with little weight or force.

2. To rub gently with the hand.

3. To besmear with any liquid or adhesive matter.

4. To plaster.

To stroke gently with the hand; to whitewash; to wash, rub, or brush, as in cleaning clothes; to plaster, anoint, smear.

anointed; to smear; rub lightly

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