1. nvi., Sin, vice, offense, fault, error; to sin (Kan. 9.21), err.
- Examples:
- Ke kala mai i ka ʻino a me ka hala (Puk. 34.7), forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.
- References:
- See -hala manawa.
- PPN sala.
2. vi., To pass, elapse, as time; to pass by; to miss; to pass away, die.
- Examples:
- Ua hala ka manawa, time has passed; it is late.
- Hala nō ka lā, the day indeed passes [enough for the day].
- A hala i ka lani (Kanl. 9.1), up to heaven.
- He ʻelua mano a me kona hala, eight thousand and more.
- Kainoa a hala, it did happen; I thought it would happen.
- Nome hala ʻole (Kel. 42), going on without stopping.
- References:
- PPN sala.
3. n., The pandanus or screw pine (Pandanus odoratissimus 🌐), native from southern Asia east to Hawaiʻi, growing at low altitudes, both cultivated and wild. It is a tree with many branches, which are tipped with spiral tufts of long narrow, spine-edged leaves; its base is supported by a clump of slanting aerial roots. The pineapple-shaped fruits are borne on female trees whereas the spikes of fragrant, pollen-bearing flowers are borne separately on male trees.
- Examples:
- Puna paia ʻala i ka hala, Puna, its walls fragrant with pandanus [fragrant flowers were placed indoors in house thatching and under mats].
- References:
- See ex., pō #2.
- PPN fara.
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