Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ haka.haka / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. Reduplication of haka #4; vacant space, vacancy, room; blanks, as in a questionnaire; gap; thin, emaciated, especially of one with hollow chest or sunken features.

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2. Same as haka #1.

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/ HA-KA-HA-KA / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. v., See haka. To be full of holes; unsound; cellular; to be hollow, as a bone. Anat. 4. To be empty.

2. v., Hoohakahaka. Figurative. To be open; to be penetrable, as the ear to sound, i. e., to listen. Isa. 48:8. E hoohakahaka i ka pepeiao i wahi e komo ai ka olelo.

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/ HA-KA-HA-KA / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. s., That which is full of holes or open spaces.

2. FIG. Want; deficiency; loss.

3. Empty room; place unoccupied; me or ma ka hakahaka, in the place of. Eset. 2:4. He hakahaka ka naau for pololi, hunger. Isa. 29:8. One in the place of another. 1 Nal. 1:30, 35.

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/ hă'-kă-hă'-ka / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., That which is full of holes or open spaces.

2. n., Want; deficiency; loss.

3. n., Empty space; place unoccupied; me or ma ka hakahaka, in the place of. He hakahaka, ka houpo implying pololi, hunger.

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/ hă'-kă-hă'-ka / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. v., To be full of holes; unsound; cellular.

2. v., To be hollow, as a bone.

3. v., To be empty.

4. v., To be open; to be not tightly enclosed, as a building. See haka, n.

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Empty feeling in the abdomen after birth. This was relieved with hot broth and herbs including a hot tea, kaunaʻoa pehu or koʻokoʻolau.

To be full of holes or open spaces. Fig., want, loss, deficiency.

blanks; want: hollow as eyes; empty.

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