Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ hai.lepo / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. nvs., Ash-gray pallor; to have this pallor.

  • Examples:
    • He limu ka iʻa, hailepo ka lani, if seaweed is the marine food, the chief pales [sometimes limu is a bad omen].

2. n., An ancient pestilence.

  • References:
    • Malo 246.

3. n., One of the sting rays, perhaps hīhīmanu.

  • References:
    • PPN fai.

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v. Hai, to break forth, and lepo, dirt.

1. To evacuate the bowels.

2. To be sick with the disease called hailepo.

s. A name of a disease or sickness in former times.

2. Name of a large living creature of the sea. See HEHIMANU and HAHALUA. It was forbidden to women to eat under penalty of death.

v. Na maka o kekahi poe e hailepo ana, nolaila no ka hailepo ame ka olelo ihaiha.

Hailepo (ha'i-lĕ'-po), n.

/ ha'i-lĕ'-po / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Chronic looseness of the bowels.

2. Any illness that makes one look wan and pale.

3. A marine animal of the order Delphinus; the dolphin. Also known as ihimanu, hihiwai, hihimanu and hahalua.

Hailepo (hai'le'-po), v.

/ hai'le'-po / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be sick with the disease called hailepo.

2. To be ill with any sickness that makes one look wan and pale.

Ash gray pallor.

To evacuate the bowels.

Spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari). Also called hthi-manu. Among the early Hawaiians it was forbidden as food for women.

Ash-gray pallor; ailment of earlier times probably related to the bowel processes; any such illness causing one to be wan or pale, a sign, but not a disease, of amnesia, shock, or impaired perfusion.

To evacuate the bowels; an ancient pestilence; diarrhea.

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