Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Same as haehae, to tear; to strip, as pandanus leaves for plaiting.

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2. n., Small sweet potatoes removed in thinning a hill.

  • Kaʻū

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v. See HAE. To rend; to tear, as a garment.

2. To break; to separate into parts; to split, as lauhala, lengthways.

Hahae (hā'-ha'e), v.

/ hā'-ha'e / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To rend; to tear, as a garment.

2. To separate into parts.

3. To split lengthwise, as the pandanus leaf.

Culling or thinning of the small potatoes as an aid to the growth of others. (NP 132.)

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