Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Pūʻulu, ʻaoʻao.

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Pūʻulu. See food group. To form or break into ~s; also to ~, in math. Hoʻopūʻulu. ~ing property. ʻAnopili hoʻopūʻulu (preceded by ke).

h. he mau mea i akoakoaia, a

hai. e hoakoakoa.

po'ě, paě, pŭ'ŭ; (herd, bundle), pū'ā'; (cluster), huhu'ĭ; (of islands), paěmo'kŭ; (of houses), kaŭhă'lě.

He pu-a. SYN. collection. 2. Huhui. SYN. cluster. A cluster cf stars, he huhui ho-ku'

E huli iā “group” ma Ulukau.

Search for “group” on Ulukau.

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