greeting Eng to Haw, Pukui-Elbert (1986), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for greeting, Pukui-Elbert (1986), Eng to Hwn Aloha. Related: The old greetings were: aloha, ʻanoʻai, welina me ke aloha. Post-missionary greetings include: aloha kakahiaka, good morning; aloha ahiahi, good afternoon, good evening. The farewell greeting was ā hui hou aku or aloha. These were said also for good night, as for leaving a meeting, but not within the home. To extend greeting, aloha aku, kāhea, oha, eʻe, aʻa. To press noses in greeting, honi. Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
greeting / greet-ing / Eng to Haw, Emerson (1845), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for greeting, Emerson (1845), Eng to Hwn ka uwe ana, ke aloha ana.
Greeting / Greet'ing / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for greeting, Hitchcock (1887), Eng to Hwn Ke aloha i ka halawai pu ana. SYN. salutation.
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