Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Motion. ʻUpaʻi, ʻōpaʻipaʻi, kūlepe, hulei, kālepalepa, kīlepa, kapauʻu. Also: mūʻolo, hoʻēheu, paihō.

2. End. Pola (as of a malo).

e kapalili, e kilepalepa.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

he lepa no ka lole aahu.

e paipai, e kapalili, e kilepalepa.

(as wings), kăpălŭ’lŭ; (as flag), kīlě’pălě’pă, wě’lŏ.

v. 1. E upoi; e kapalili. To flap the wings, e upoi i na eheu. 2. E welowelo; e kilepalepa. To flap as a flag or sail.

E huli iā “flap” ma Ulukau.

Search for “flap” on Ulukau.

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