Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Photography. Pepa paʻi kiʻi. Roll of film, ʻōwili paʻi kiʻi, pōkaʻa paʻi kiʻi.

2. Thin covering. Uhi. See slime.

As for a movie or video. Līpine. See shoot. ~ movement, as in a movie or video camera. Holo lola. Roll of ~. ʻŌwili kiʻi.

he ili lahilahi maluna o ka maka.

‘ĭ’lĭ la’hĭla’hĭ, ‘ă‘ămŏ‘ŏ: films, kĭ‘ĭ ‘ŏ’nĭ‘ŏ’nĭ.

v. He ili lahilahi.

E huli iā “film” ma Ulukau.

Search for “film” on Ulukau.

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