Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Hana lokomaikaʻi; kākoʻo, makemake (prefer). To lavish with favors, hoʻokamalani; paikano (rare). To do small favors in expectation of greater ones, piepiele. To go about asking for favors, pakaulele. Please do me a favor, eʻoluʻoluʻoe i koʻu manaʻo.

Party ~. Alelomoʻo.

he lokomaikai, he aloha.

h. he aloha, he lokomaikai, he makana.

hai. e lokomaikai aku, e kokua.

lokomāĭkăĭ; to favor, mali’ŭ, kōkŭ’ă.


/ Fā'vor / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

n. 1. Lokomaikai. SYN. kindness. 2. He kokua. To do a favor, e kokua lokomaikai.


/ Fā'vor / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

v. 1. E kokua lokomaikai. 2. E maliu.

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