Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ ehu.ehu / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. nvs., Animation varying from fury and storm to power and majesty; violent, furious, powerful, animated; violence, fury, anger, majesty, animation.

  • Examples:
    • Waiho kāhela i ka laʻi ā ahiahi ehuehu mai, lying stretched out in the calm until at evening full of animation.
    • Ā ka laʻi a ʻEhu lā, ehuehu ʻoe ē ka lani lā (song for Kalākaua), and the calm of ʻEhu, you, o chief, appeared with majesty.
    • Kū ana ʻo Mauna Loa, kuahiwi ʻalo ehuehu (song), stands Mauna Loa, hill resisting storms.

2. vs., Healthy, vigorous.

3. n., A kind of rock, used for adzes.

  • References:
    • Malo 19.

Nā LepiliTags: health geology

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/ ʻehu.ehu / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

Reduplication of ʻehu #1, ʻehu #2, ʻehu #3, ʻehu #4 (this form was perhaps once ehuehu and is sometimes pronounced thus still).

  • Examples:
    • Kuʻu hoa i ka ʻehuehu a ka noe, my companion in the spray of mist.
    • Ke ʻehuehu nei nā ʻale, the billows rise in waves [of flaring temper].
    • ʻEhuehu kai, noho ka moi, where the sea foams, the moi fish lives.
  • References:
    • PPN kefukefu.

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/ ʻehu.ʻehu / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

Reduplication of ʻehu #5.

  • Examples:
    • ʻEhuʻehu nā lihilihi, reddened eyelash.

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kik/ʻaʻ Animated, violent. Dic. Kiʻiʻoniʻoni ehuehu. Action movie.

s. A strong wind blowing severely; aka huhumanu ehuehu ka makani, inoino lepolepo ka moana; hakukai ka ale o ka moana i ka ehuehu o ka makani.

2. Darkness arising from dust, fog or vapor.

adv. Angrily; furiously; in a raging manner, as the wind. See EHU. Ku ehuehu, huhu, inaina.

Ehuehu (ĕ'-hŭ-ĕ'-hŭ), adj.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Full of fury; violent; furious.

Ehuehu (ĕ-hŭ-ĕ'-hŭ), adv.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

With fury; violently; fiercely; furiously: ku ehuehu.


/ ĕ'-hŭ-e'-hŭ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., The state of being furious; violence; furiousness: Ka ehuehu o ka makani, the furiousness of the wind.

2. n., Total or partial absence of light; obscurity; gloom; darkness.

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Healthy and vigorous growth. See ahuahu, a more common term.

Kind of hard rock used to make the adze. (MALO 19.)

Wind of great strength and fury.

Dust blown by the wind. (CMH.) Darkness arising from dust, fog, or vapor.


The state of being furious, violent as of the wind (AP).

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