Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Hopena, hoʻokō, hua. Take effect, kaʻa (as medicine); ʻoʻoki (as kava intoxication).

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Hopena See cause.


/ Ef-fect / Eng to Haw, Emerson (1845),

h. ka mea i hanaia, ka hope o k a hana. [ana.


/ Ef-fect / Eng to Haw, Emerson (1845),

hai. e hooko, e loaa i ka hana.

hu’ă o kā hă’nă; (purport), ‘ă’nŏ; effects, ukă’nă, wăĭwăĭ: to effect, kō, hŏ‘ŏkō’.


/ Ef-fēєt' / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

1. Ka hua o ka hana. Cause and effect, ke kumu me kona hua. 2. Ka hua o ka olelo. Words without effect, na huaolelo hua ole. 3. Ano. He spoke to that effect, kamailio oia ma ia ano. 4. Eko. To effect a purpose, e ko i ka makemake.


/ Ef-fēєt / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

Ka hua o ka hana. Cause and effect, ke kumu me kona hua. Ka hua o ka olelo. Words without effect, na huaolelo hua ole. Ano. He spoke to that effect, kamailio oia ma ia ano. Eko. To effect a purpose, e ko i ka makemake.

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