Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. World. Ao, honua, ʻāina, paʻa-i-lalo. Foundation of the earth, papa honua. Globe of the earth, kāhonua. Origin of the earth, kumu honua.

2. Dirt. Lepo; ʻalaea (soluble); lepo paʻa, kahua paʻa (solid); lepo ʻulaʻula, māʻulaʻula (red); kūlapa (piled on side of ditch). To come out of the earth, as a spring, hū honua. To soften the earth, as for planting, ʻekuʻeku. Earth oven, umu lepo. Earth protuberance, kio honua. Earth ridge, iwi. Earth pot, ipu lepo. The earth-devouring woman, ka wahineʻai honua (Pele).

The planet. Honua (cap.). See core, crust, globe, mantle.

ka honua nei, he lepo.

h. ka lepo, ka honua, ke aonei.

honu’ă; (soil), lě’pŏ; The Earth, Kě ăŏ něĭ.


/ Ẽarth / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

1. Ka Honua Nei. 2. Lepo. Fall to the earth, haule i ka lepo, or, haule i ka honua.

E huli iā “earth” ma Ulukau.

Search for “earth” on Ulukau.

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